In this assignment I was designing emojis for my hometown. During my process I considered many things that I considered something that people would recognize. I was using the framework that Aphee Messer was using as a reference for creating lasting emojis. It has to be something that a lot of people do, for example hashtags are a good way of getting inspiration. Well, in my case I a quick run down on the hashtags that appeared on Instagram in relation to my hometown (Miskolc) did not give me a clear image on what would be a marketable and well recognized emoji. Therefore I turned to my own personal experience – what is something that my friends and family or people in the area would give a special meaning to?
This is how I developed my three emojis:
22:50 Lángos Buying feathers
22:50 might not communicate anything to someone who is not from the area or does not live in the surrounding towns and villages of Miskolc other than the time in 2400 format. But for my friends who I used to go out with during the weekend, 22:50 is the time when the fun stops. This is because the last regional bus to the towns surrounding Miskolc depart at 10:50 pm and therefore the people who live there and intend to go out have to plan around this time if they are taking the bus.
As I expected, my friends responded to it immediately. They got the message and the context that the time signified. They did not just see a time, they saw that I was asking them whether they want to go out with me — even though that now they would probably not use the regional bus. I also sent it to a friend who lives in the city, but he recognized the meaning as well. Adding to it, he became nostalgic and told me that 22:50 is not just a simple bus, it’s a way of life. He reminisced about the days in high school when 22:50 was sort of marker that our group always had to plan around, relying on buses that would mark the end of concerts or gatherings.
Lángos was my second choice, which is a type of street food in Hungary. I is very recognizable and unique for the country but not the region. You can buy it in small carts all around the country, but it is mainly a dish that people eat on vacation or in the summer.
The base is a dough that is deep fried, and it is best when it is light enough so it doesn’t soak with oil by the time it is served. We put a garlic spread on top of the dough, then sour cream and we sprinkle cheese on it as a final touch.
Since it is a popular food, I expected my friends to recognize it, and more or less my expectations were met. However they were confused why I would just send them a picture of a (badly) drawn lángos, and on one occasion my friend responded in a very confused manner, not knowing what it was.
Buying feathers
And this brings me to my final emoji: the feather buyer car. The feather buyer car is a very specific phenomenon that appeared a few times in our neighborhood and all over the country. It is basically a business I thought many people knew about because of the specialized marketing technique that they are using. The marketing involves a car that similar to an ice-cream truck circles the neighborhood with a slow speed, playing a recording on a loop. Instead of a jingle, they are using a very distinct voice that describes the strange business that the owners are operating. They are buying feathers from old fashioned pillowcases and duvets.
Why did I choose this very phenomenon? Because I think it is very distinct and absurd enough that my friends would remember it. I stand corrected. It is either my emoji that was linked weakly to this phenomenon, or the feather buyer car itself, but none of my friends were able to identify the emoji. After I explained my sister sent me “:DDD” which I interpreted as a sign that at least she knows what I was referring to. I am clearly friends with the wrong people, because once I made a YouTube search, many parodies came up featuring the feather buying car and its message.
This brings up the question: can I improve this emoji? I don’t think I can do too much to redeem it since the idea behind it is not very well recognized.