(posted quite late…)
1: The telephone in Canada
Although there is some debate over who was the original inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell successfully patented his device in 1876 and sent his first message a few days later. Shortly afterwards, the first long-distance call was made from Brantford, Ontario to Paris, Ontario, marking the advent of a new era of communication. The Bell Canada Corporation was established, and the telephone industry began to grow rapidly across the nation. At first, telephones were mostly used by businesses, but it became adopted quickly by the wealthy upper-class.
Sources: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Alexander-Graham-Bell
2: Early Canadian newspapers

The newspaper emerged in Canada after the first printing presses were brought to the (then) colonies in the 18th century.
Sources: https://nmc-mic.ca/about-newspapers/the-evolution-of-newspapers/#first