When reading the assignment, I thought I would be visiting a new site that I had not seen before. Only after noticing the design of the page I understood that I had read Stack Exchange already without knowing what the name of the site was. I had stumbled upon it when looking for answers to problems I couldn’t solve for my engineering classes. Nevertheless, I somehow always perceived it as a weird forum, where people do not provide each other with legitimate answers. Therefore it was a surprise to see how swiftly people answered my question.
The question I asked incorporated some real life advice I need right now. As for the past couple of days especially Solar Decathlon has taken most of my time, I asked a question relevant to our project and one issue we are facing.

I knew the answer would be that filing is not the solution before I asked the question. Nevertheless, at this moment I do not have a better plan, therefore I hoped that someone would approve my idea. Unfortunately, the community deemed that my solution is not great (which I totally agree with).
After using Stack Exchange I am still slightly confused for why people leave very extensive comments to questions that random people have posted. Is it just a good deed they are doing? I am more than confident that I will use this site again in future to at least gauge answers to simple questions. I am curious how accurate the answers are for more sophisticated questions, but that I am yet to explore