What does Communication and Technology mean to Theo?

Many would argue that the fundamental notions that the two terms communication and technology carry are tightly intertwined with the very existence of mankind and the traits that elevate man above the rest of the animal kingdom. Namely, the ability to ‘communicate’, which I understand as the intended exchange of information/knowledge through any medium, as well as the ability to utilize ‘technology’, which I see as a basic ability of man to use physical or intellectual tools to complete tasks that either would not be possible without that tool or would be much more difficult and achieve, are the two quintessential characteristics that are attributed to homo sapiens but are not present in other living organisms to a similar extent and sophistication.

Building upon my simplistic definition of what communication and technology mean to me, being two important concepts that place mankind on the top of the evolution ladder, I believe that communication and technology together synergistically provide a set of capabilities that, in present day and recent past, establish a new grander scale for interaction between people and manifest additional value from these interactions to one or more or all of the parties that take part in these interactions. I want to highlight a few of what I consider the most important and revolutionary domains where tremendous value has been added by the interactions of communication and technology.

Connectivity – an overwhelming percentage of the citizens of the modern world utilize various technologies (such as apps, and social media, digital content consumption and creation) that help entities establish deeper connections between each other and between parties which might have been inaccessible to such an extent in the past, such as government, companies, celebrities, etc, and thus give them more rewarding experiences of everyday existence. Such connections can also deeply inform the personality formation of the individuals who embrace connectivity full-heartedly and unquestionably.

Data-empowered decision making – a concept that is becoming possible by the omnipresence of technology and the positive networking effects that this omnipresence induces. It enables individuals to make decisions based on factual information based on the collective experience of others, eliminating to a large extent the uncertainty of unavailability of information in a certain domain. Best of all, this data-empowered decision making opens up the possibility of tracking evolving patterns of human behavior in real time, due to the access to a large pool of data points that are constantly in interaction with each other or a certain system. 

Process automation – participants in the digital revolution of modern technology can leverage can focus their efforts on well-defined processes that can be performed by technology in order to save time, increase precision and outcome predictability, and ultimately alleviate burden of repeated human interaction. Successful process-automation involves designing the future state for each process, without regard for current constraints and in a sense enables achieving a better state by allowing the possibility to consider such state theoretically, then find ways to implement it in reality.

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